The Government’s review of football governance led by Tracey Crouch MP and supported by the Football Supporters’ Association, published its final report today. 

Sheffield Wednesday Supporters’ Trust advocates the key recommendations in the report and urges SWFC to take a positive and pro-active approach to change how the club operates in line with them.

The SWFC Trust is a legally structured, democratically run and accountable supporters’ organisation and stands ready to help.

Specifically, we believe it would be to SWFC’s advantage to not wait for legislation and/or new regulations to be established by an Independent Football Regulator, but to take actions now by:

The Trust will be formally writing to the club to request that the above are implemented as soon as possible.

Steve Walmsley, Chair of the Trust Board said “For too long now Wednesday fans have been in the dark and kept at arms-length about the running of their club; establishing an Engagement Panel that has no structure or teeth did not meet the challenge before and will certainly not do so in the new landscape following the FLR Review. 

Without fans football is nothing, they are the lifeblood of any club, they are not customers, they are stakeholders in the history and the future of the club. 

SWFC now has a real opportunity to make a major change to how it operates and engages with, and is accountable to, supporters. We strongly urge SWFC to get ahead of the game and build a wholly new approach in response to the FLR.”

Supporters (Shadow) Board Role and Purpose

Sheffield Wednesday Supporters (Shadow) Board Remit/MOU


“The Supporters’ Board” is the body established by Sheffield Wednesday Football Club according to the terms of an agreed MOU.

“The Club Board” is the Board of Directors of Sheffield Wednesday Football Club

“The Club” is Sheffield Wednesday Football Club

Mandate of the Supporters’ Board

The purpose of the Supporters’ Board is to strengthen the structured relationship between the football club and its supporter groups, its supporters as a whole and other community representatives. As well as to enhance the club’s profile as a model of transparent and sustainable governance and to ensure the club actively listens to supporters and takes their views into account at all levels of decision making.

Remit of the Supporters’ Board

The Supporter representatives will provide a regular channel of communication and consultation between the Club and its fan/community base. It is designed to be inclusive and to represent the full demographic range of the Club’s supporter base, to whom it is accountable. 

The Supporters’ Board should be consulted on a wide range of matters relevant to fans, examples are covered in this MOU albeit topics are not limited to those listed.

The Supporters Board will expect the club to provide relevant staff to cover the agreed agenda topics at each meeting, and may on occasion, request the attendance of relevant stakeholders.

Issues for the Supporters’ Board’s Agenda. 

These may include, but are not confined to: ·

Information to be Shared

This will include, but is not confined to: 

NB: It is recognized by the Supporters Board that certain information e.g. financial may be better dealt with in detail by a sub- committee with the relevant experience and thus report back to the Committee in summary.  

Suggested issues for mandatory consultation:

‘Mandatory consultation’ includes those matters that it believes the club should recognise why engagement of the SAB is crucial to ensure success. The SAB consider these of such importance that it strongly encourages the Club to consult the Supporters Board in discussions regarding these matters. 

These include:

Issues Excluded from Discussion. 

The Supporters’ Board will not be concerned with team matters such as player recruitment or selection, or the details of personal employment contracts entered by the club, or with football management appointments.


  1. The Trust will be writing to the Club to formally request that the actions set out above are implemented as soon as possible.
  2. We will be writing to all Sheffield MP’s to request that they publicly set out their support for the Review recommendations and to vote for the legislation that is needed to put all of the proposals into effect.
  3. You can help by writing to your own MP to ask them to do the same. The text of the Trust letter to MP’s is here please feel free to adapt this for your own letter.

The key now is to build momentum for the changes proposed by the Review to be fully implemented.

Join The Trust